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Notification of Price Revisions

We wish you a joyful and fruitful spring and would sincerely like to thank you for your continued support.

Aiming to create products in-house using lumber sourced from Hokkaido, we introduced power sawmills and bio wood-drying equipment, effectively building the path toward a sustainable future for our company.

In our quest to create items that maintain a balance between exuding high quality and being made while fulfilling our social responsibilities as a business, we saw and process lumber that has been gathered from Nakagawa, Hokkaido, and the surrounding area and, after putting it through a natural drying process, perform low-burden bio-drying.

We have also innovated our frames and finishing processes to elevate the value of our products’ quality and designs.

Thanks to these endeavors, we have successfully delivered high-quality products to customers in Japan and overseas.

To further improve our products’ design, quality, and manufacturing process, we have decided to make revisions to our prices from April 1st.

Together with the price revisions, we will also release a collection of new products.
We hope our customers will look forward to this new collection of products, as it has incorporated new concepts backgrounded by Japanese culture to share with the world.

We will keep striving further to improve the quality of our products and services, and we sincerely hope to have your patronage and support to moving ahead.

New prices to take effect on Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Products subject to price revisions: all items in the original furniture and original tableware categories