Time & Style Milan

Largo Claudio Treves
Largo Claudio Treves

Located in the vibrant Brera district, in the heart of Milan, the three Time & Style showrooms occupy different spaces within the same beautiful neoclassic building constructed in the 1800s.

All of the showrooms have their own entrances and unique characters. 
In Largo Claudio Treves, 2, expansive windows overlook one of the liveliest squares in the neighborhood. Inside, the concrete floors, original high wood ceilings, and white stucco walls create a simple and tranquil atmosphere. 

The discreet entrance in Via Eugenio Balzan, 4, leads to a textural but peaceful basement floor gallery adorned with antique Italian stone flooring, walls, and ceilings entirely enveloped in Japanese Kozo washi paper. 

At via San Marco, 13, respecting the heritage of the building, we have meticulously preserved its original arches, woody ceilings, and the warm embrace of the wood floors within.

Each space displays a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity. Our collection, designed for today’s lifestyles, features furniture, lighting fixtures, and tableware crafted with precision using traditional Japanese techniques, high-quality materials, and exceptional craftsmanship.

Alongside Time & Style’s original creations, we offer a unique Japanese living experience, where living rooms and dining areas harmonize with curated interior pieces and artistic displays from esteemed Japanese artists and artisans.

Beyond a mere showroom, Time & Style Milan stands as a cornerstone of our global enterprise—a hub for architects, designers, interior enthusiasts, furniture connoisseurs, and discerning clientele alike.

Via Eugenio Balzan
Via San Marco
Largo Claudio Treves
Via San Marco
Via San Marco
Via San Marco
Largo Claudio Treves
Largo Claudio Treves
Via San Marco
Largo Claudio Treves
Largo Claudio Treves
Via San Marco
Via San Marco



Handcrafted Japanese Akita Cedar Objects for Everyday Life

12–27 July 2024

Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 19:00

Magewappa è una tecnica tradizionale giapponese di curvatura del legno a vapore, con oltre quattro secoli di storia, originaria della città di Odate nella prefettura di Akita.
Realizzati con il cedro naturale di Akita, una risorsa abbondante nella regione, gli articoli Magewappa sono rinomati per il loro rinfrescante profumo di legno, la brillante eleganza del colore chiaro e ricco, e le bellissime venature dritte e strette, che riflettono la crescita degli alberi nel clima rigido del Giappone settentrionale. Questi oggetti non sono solo esteticamente affascinanti, ma anche funzionali e pratici, espressione di quella che definiamo la “bellezza dell’uso”, e arricchiscono le semplici azioni della vita quotidiana. Nel tempo, l’uso di questa tecnica si è esteso dalle tradizionali scatole per il pranzo e bicchieri per il sake a una varietà di contenitori e vassoi.
Nel suo impegno a portare l’artigianato giapponese a un pubblico internazionale, Time & Style, in collaborazione con la città di Odate, presenta una mostra dedicata a questo antico metodo di lavorazione. Una collezione di articoli di Magewappa, disegnati e creati da diversi laboratori, mostrerà l’eccezionale maestria di questa tradizione, evidenziando la sua rilevanza nella vita quotidiana moderna e gli alti livelli di perfezione raggiunti nel corso degli anni.

Magewappa is a traditional Japanese technique of steam-bending wood with a history spanning over four centuries, originating from the city of Odate in Akita prefecture.
Crafted from natural Akita cedar, which the region abundantly provides, Magewappa household items are renowned for their refreshing wood scent, the brilliant elegance of their light yet rich color, and the beautiful straight, tight wood grain that reflects the trees’ growth under the harsh climate of northern Japan. These items are not only visually appealing but also functional and practical, embodying what we describe as the “beauty of use,” and enriching the simple acts of our daily lives. Over time, the application of this method has expanded from traditional lunch boxes and sake cups to a variety of storage containers and trays.
In a commitment to bring Japanese craftsmanship to an international audience, Time & Style, in collaboration with Odate City, presents an exhibition dedicated to this ancient craft. Magewappa pieces designed and created by different workshops will display the exceptional artistry of this Japanese tradition, emphasizing its relevance in modern daily life and the high levels of perfection it has attained over the years.

Venerdì 12 luglio 2024
17:00 – 19:00

Opening Reception
Friday, 12 July 2024
17:00 – 19:00

Complementary Interior Planning Service

We provide complimentary interior planning service for both residential and small business spaces. We take pride in our team of skilled interior designers who are dedicated to creating stunning and functional spaces tailored to our client’s unique needs and preferences.

With a focus on attention to detail and a keen sense of style, we collaborate with clients to transform their spaces into personalized havens of beauty and functionality. Whether it’s a cozy home or a small office, we believe that great design has the power to enhance lives and inspire productivity. We invite you to visit our showroom and take advantage of our expert consultation services, where our talented team will guide you through the process of bringing your interior design visions to life.

Time & Style Milan 

Largo Claudio Treves, 2, Via Eugenio Balzan, 4, Via San Marco, 13, 20121 Milan, Italy.

Tel:+39 02 49658 560

Opening hours
Mon – Saturday 10:00-19:00
Sunday closed
