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Time & Style new furniture catalogue “atmosphere”

At a time when the movements of people around the world have come to a pause, we thought to return anew to the starting point of manufacturing: the creation of things that hold a universality yet a freshness as well.

Never standing still, we have poured our efforts into creating products featuring advanced technology and high quality that fuse the Japanese unique cultural and historical values with contemporary lifestyles that transcend national borders.

In April 2021, we announced over 40 new furniture products in different categories. These products are the culmination of our long years of research and development. We have created a new presence by tracing what has been handed down to the present day and traditions that have ceased to exist, deciphering the essence of structures and materials, and transforming the way we value them.

By removing the ego from each product, focusing on its use and purpose, using the materials as they are, and cutting down the design to the utmost limit, we aimed to create a simple and complete existence. We also emphasized that the scenery created by the combination of these products creates a sophisticated atmosphere.

We have now completed our comprehensive furniture catalogue “atmosphere,” the culmination of our manufacturing endeavors up to now. With the wish that products created through Japanese sensibilities, aesthetic sense, technologies, and traditions will fuse with the lifestyles of countries having different histories and cultures to take on an atmosphere expressed as a new value, we will send out “atmosphere” to the world.

With the completion of this catalogue, Time & Style Midtown (Roppongi store) has created a lifestyle space with a collection of new products. We hope you enjoy the world of Time & Style and its atmosphere.