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timeless beauty

We created a large full-body mirror that holds both a western antique look and an oriental-style decoration. This mirror shows a distinctive presence in the surrounding area and creates the illusion of another space in that area. A mirror with an over-scale frame can be the fundamental element changing a space because the presence of this mirror determines the impression of the house. The impact of this mirror’s presence is significant. It will certainly be an essential item in your life.

Fine semicircular beads are decorated on the outer surface of the solid wood frame where the large inner surface is shallowly shaved in an arc shape. The oriental delicate design and fine finishing tightens pieces together and contributes to its special presence giving the impression as if the mirror had existed there from the past. The mirror will give you great energy. It is fitting to start your day by reflecting on your whole body in the mirror. Two frame sizes: 15cm and 10cm frames are available for your preference.